God Friended Me airs Sunday nights on CBS, right after 60 Minutes.

God Friended Me, CBS’ hit series about an atheist named Miles (Brandon Michael Hall) who is friended on Facebook by someone claiming to be God. Whoever is behind the so-called “God account” (could it actually be God?) links him up with people who, it turns out, need his help.  In the above scene, Miles confronts his minister father on the subject of forgiving the drunk driver who ran down Miles’ mother 17 years ago.

Three Questions for Brandon Michael Hall

JWK: Why do you think the audience is embracing this show?

BRANDON MICHAEL HALL: One, we’re a positive show.  People are always looking for something positive to sit down and watch with their family. We’re also raising questions that other shows are not doing. We’re talking about communication. We’re talking about atheism. We’re talking about different religions…It’s a show that’s also educational. You can take a lot away from it.

JWK: You play the son of a preacher and you grew up the son of a minister. Do you ever feel as if you were called to do this show?

BMH: Absolutely. For my sister, her call was music. She’s about to graduate school and she is a teacher for children who have dyslexia and autism. And so that’s her calling. My mom’s calling is ministering through evangelism. Mine is ministering through the arts. It’s always been that way for me. I just knew I was going to take a different route. I was the rebel of the family. When this role came about, I was like this  is perfectly right up my alley.

JWK: What do you hope audience take from this show?

BMH: I hope audiences take away…a sense of hope, a sense of understanding — of someone else’s beliefs, of what they understand to be true. To see the world (through) a different lens, because it’s okay to question, it’s okay to try new things. That’s what we’re living life for. So, I hope that what people take away from it. And also the love aspect, having love for your family and other people. We definitely need that right now.



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