Everyday Spirituality

The Journey to Innovation by Julia Wade  As the Soloist at the international headquarters of the Christian Science church — The Mother Church — I found myself in the unique position of bringing to the services all kinds of inspiring and innovative sacred music for the 21st Century. From 2005 to 2012, I performed several…

Internet users want to avoid being phished—or deceived into giving out personal information by a legitimate looking icon that will later cause chaos in their life. No one really wants to be phished because it makes us feel like a victim. This phishing tactic is nothing new however. The human emotion of passion sometimes poses…

An outstanding community member died last week and I am in charge of writing a story for the local newspaper. Lois Ray grew up in this area and was a remarkable woman, I am finding. At one point, a local bridge was closed with no intent to fix or replace it. Then a second bridge…

Eating lunch on a roof overlooking Marrakech, Morocco, my senses took in the smell of fresh spices, the sound of vendors at work, and the taste of a life seasoned pungently with the Islam faith. Colorful carpets hung on the adobe walls of flanked buildings. The feeling of a modest larger view served to reaffirm…

On June 5 and 6, it has been determined that the planet Venus will cruise between Earth and the sun, a crossing dubbed the “transit.” With proper eye wear, a viewer can see Venus in front of the back-drop of the sun. Astronomer Johannes Kepler used math to calculate a transit in 1631. But, he…

Last week, a man woke up with a terrible headache. He went to work hoping it would go away. It didn’t. In the early afternoon, he stopped what he was doing and went to find the quietest place possible in the warehouse where he worked. He sat down and slowly said the Lord’s Prayer. For…

Before 1913—almost one hundred years ago—a few people had the ridiculous notion that once we understood the laws of physics and aerodynamics, we could fly. But back then, to be able to fly seemed idiotic to most people. Except to a few people. Therefore December 1913, the Wright Brothers gave, albeit in a tiny way,…

Human Beings are constantly being diagnosed with symptoms that I satirically refer to as collectively belonging to Chronic Repetitious Urging Disease (CRUD). I myself have been afflicted with these symptoms that stop me from living life to its fullest. The key to reducing our risk to CRUD is distinguishing between human mind and divine Mind.…

Don’t tell me what to do, but tell me what I am as God’s image

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