Everyday Spirituality

Don’t give chocolate and donuts to people with weight problems. Food is a temptation and love doesn’t tempt us, but encourages us to be moderate and nourishing.

Jesus said, “know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31) Free of what? Pain, loneliness, lack? Or, freedom from responsibility toward family and society? Big difference and I believe Jesus meant freedom from pain loneliness, and lack. Truth sets us in the way of being responsible to family and society. To…

For Talks at Google, neuroscientist Daniel Levitin said, “The brain is very good at self-delusion, that’s one thing it’s very good at.” (minute 6:30) Levitin addressed the delusion of multitasking. It’s a myth, he said. The brain can’t multitask because it works sequentially. And in today’s climate of access to enormous amounts of information, the…

More than one million selfies are taken per day? Blah. Sounds like a self-obsessed world. Or, is it self-awareness? Can selfies lead to self-awaking? Can it lead to an awareness of God? Experts and researchers are trying to answer those questions especially since the increased selfie trend demands so much attention these days. But, there’s…

Experts say, surprises are good for us. How can this be? Research shows that surprises work on the brain’s dopamine system and allows us to focus our attention better. Data claims that surprises inspire us to look at our situations in new ways, to keep us learning, or bring satisfaction. The problem with this data…

Read “Giving Voice to Quiet,” from The Daily Star newspaper, Oneonta, NY Store-bought frozen chicken-nuggets and tater-tots. That was our Thanksgiving dinner, year 2000. Carrying the bagged meal, my husband, our two daughters, and I mucked our way through deep snow to a cabin in the Blue Mountains in Oregon. Our decision wasn’t a protest…

The internet shows that nothing can be hidden. It means that the people who hurt others can’t hide and will be called to justice; it means that the people who quietly help others, will be rewarded. Before the internet, it was often one person’s word against another person’s word. With the internet, words are in…

The electricity went out for a couple of hours this early morning. Prayer in candle light, became the thing to do. My prayers expressed gratitude, affirmations of good, and the determination to acknowledge that God’s promises are fulfilled. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, 3 who forgives all your iniquity, who heals…

Building mutually useful relationships between religions and their societies, involves the best use of language and good public relations. PR may not yet be possible between hyper-antagonistic individuals and groups however good public relations is possible between people holding informal attitudes sweetened with hope. We can say hello to people who speak or look different.…

I get a kick out of visiting Niagara Falls in New York and Ontario, Canada. The Falls represent indescribable power. The Falls is actually a set of three waterfalls along the Niagara River: the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls, and the Canadian/Horseshoe Falls. The last time I visited was with Bryan. The frigid winter…

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