Hawayo Kawamuru was born on December 24, 1900 in Kauai, Hawaii. She married Saichi Takata and had two daughters.  Soon after, Saichi Takata died suddenly and Hawayo Takata, who then went by the name Takata, was left to care and provide for the girls. From 1930 to 1935, Takata overworked herself and collapsed. She decided…

Relationships are a big part of life. They are interactions. So what do we interact with? Do we relate to human arrogance, self-seeking policies, spending and earning money, or priding our self in our spirituality? Do we associate with the superior/inferior attitudes? These relationships are lonely or isolated. Turning to another view, do we relate…

The word “evil” needs to be used thoughtfully. It is straightforward to classify Hitler with evil. However, when we fostered children, and some children appeared to be evil incarnate, I made it a point seriously to reject the word evil. Curiosity, as to the why the child’s behavior tended to be evil, was moot next…

Salespeople are trained to detect and distinguish between the serious shopper and the curious shopper. Serious shoppers have a defined intent to purchase, or “do” something; whereas, curious shoppers are “just looking.” Frequently, the curious comes disguised as the serious. Think of all the exercise equipment sitting in closets, bought by those who were seriously…

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