This is the second blog in a series on warmth and sincerity; All we could think to say, was, “Thanks Mom and Dad.” But I could see that stuff didn’t give, or take away, warmth and sincerity. I could feel a presence of warmth and sincerity. I grew up in a good family and was…

This is the first of a series of blogs on warmth and sincerity: Let’s talk about warmth and sincerity. Where they come from and how they bring us along to where they are going. I believe warmth and sincerity come from a unified force. And they have an unstoppable momentum that brings us to its…

“This is a special gift you are to offer…” said Ezekiel the prophet. Then he rambles on about offering measured ephahs, homers of wheat, and grain offerings. About throwing blood on the doorposts and corners of the temple. To be honest, Ezekiel nearly loses my attention talking about unknowns, things that are unfamiliar. But I…

Success in spiritual healing is warranted only as we find and follow our own pace. Whether a pro or a rookie, here are six pitfalls to avoid when practicing spiritual healing. Gunning the start. Running headstrong, for example into an intense episode of prayer, will become tiresome quickly. Spiritual healing is a job, not a…

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