Two young mothers, from two different churches, came together to co-organize a Refugee Relief event. They aligned themselves with already established organizations, the Mennonite Central Committee, which sends relief kits around the world to help displaced people, and the American Civic Association, but took a local turn by including other churches and community organizations. Students…

Because I live in northeastern United States, I’m now surrounded by snow. Last week, in one day, three feet of snow fell. I still go on my daily walks and come across creeks where water is running. It moves quick enough not to freeze and reminds me to move in divine Mind quick enough not…

Subject: Joy The wonder of a flower blooming through snow. The gladness of forgiveness. The pleasure of trust. The happiness of progress, all belong to the joy given to us by God. On the website, we can read “8 Irish Blessings.” To honor St. Patrick’s Day, one of the blessings is shared here: MAY…

Plans get upset. Families are upset. Businesses and politics get upset, however, we have a spiritual order and government to go to. “And now, isn’t it wonderful all the ways in which this distress has goaded you closer to God? You’re more alive, more concerned, more sensitive, more reverent, more human, more passionate, more responsible.”…

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