In the face of the hard cold fact that nothing in this human reality is perfect, society struggles for perfection. The call for greener cleaners, more efficient vehicles, better attitudes, and a healing religion reverberates around the earth demanding attention. For example, for millennia spiritual healing has been a part of religion, however as soon as a religion is assumed to be perfect, abuse and decline take their toll. Therefore, a new and improved standard for religions is set based on realistic thoughts. People can live up to high standards, but we can’t live up to something that doesn’t exist—human perfection.

Although spiritual healing is independent of religion, religion can play a central role in its advancement as long as it stays true to the perfect Principle, God, and isn’t used to attempt to maintain a status-quo. All religions have access to spiritual healing grounded on the powerful understandable God. Divine Science is the study of God, which includes a healing force such as described in the Bible. However, metaphysical rules, in other words, not stereotyped terminology or human theology, are usable and applicable to religious and non-religious people alike.

My practice of spiritual healing is most reliable when I get to know God and rely on my spiritual mindedness instead of rely on what I’ve been trained to think. As I know myself as the spitting image of Love, Truth, Principle, the human self becomes transparent to the wellbeing, strength, and usefulness God is expressing through us.

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