Marketing experts adapt people to the habit of eating not just one chip, but the whole bag. The problem with this doctrine is we get fat and confused.

Many year ago, by sheer circumstance I was recuperating from an accident and found I just couldn’t eat very much at a time. One chip, or rather saltine cracker, was enough. Oddly, I discovered one cracker did the trick of quieting hunger pangs.

After a quick recuperation, I found myself eating but with more spiritual insight. I was able to stop myself from reaching for more chips.

When hunger pangs hit, I can sometimes overlook the pangs and keep about my work, not eating calories I don’t need. When the pangs are voracious, however I slowly eat one bite of a healthy oat bar (sometimes its one bite of ice-cream) and sure enough the pang is quiet enough that I can go about my business.

Over the years, the “one chip is enough” theory holds weight better for me. Or rather the theory doesn’t hold too much weight. I find a contentedness in not giving food so much power. One chip is fine.

“All creatures look to youto give them their food at the proper time.” Psalms 104:27 NIV

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