Math was always one of my favorite classes.  I’m not saying math is always easy, but to learn basic math rules and come up with correct answers after following those rules, is pretty cool.

English on the other hand was not one of my favorite classes. The rules for sentence structure eluded me however I can tell the difference between math and English rules. It reminds me of the difference between rules of divine Science and church rules.

As I follow the rules of Christian Science, I discover well-being, inclusiveness, and spiritual power. It’s cool.

As I follow church rules, I undoubtedly find a position in church—status so to speak—and that is okay. However, church can also keep one very busy and the busyness can be a temptation to replace the rules of divine Science with church rules. So, when seeking healing or progress through divine Science, I have to shake the stupid belief that following church rules—going to church, following the Church Manual,  reading Bible Lessons, taking Christian Science Class Instruction, or subscribing to literature published by the Christian Science Society—is following the rules of divine Science.

The rules of divine Science are taught in the book, Science and Health, written in the 19th century by Mary Baker Eddy.  The book also provides examples of how to apply the rules. While following the rule of committing thought to an honest achievement, I revised Eddy’s book and published 21st Century Science and Health. The revision maintains the rules of divine Science however with updated examples.

Following these metaphysical rules results in a tangible sense of progress that glorifies God, good. Trick is, you can’t pick and choose what rules to follow. When the Pharisees asked Jesus why Moses commanded to give a writing of divorcement, he replied, “Because of the hardness of your hearts.” The rules to pay attention weren’t so much getting a divorce, or not. The rule to pay attention to was softening the heart.

Society’s rules hopefully are aimed to reflect divine rules however it sure helps immensely in life not to get the rules confused. Reading through 21st Century Science and Health you will come across rules you can abide by and feel a grand result:

The rule that the greater (love, mind, life, attitude, goal) controls the lesser.

The rule that appearances are often mistaken, leading to false conclusions.

The rule that we can be controlled by divine intelligence, rather than human planning.

The rule that we can remove fear from thought and sickness from the body.

The rule to live the right, not just talk it.

The rule of perpetual harmony.

The rule to become one with Christ consciousness.

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