A few cat myths are: black cats are unlucky, and we hate dogs. Not true.

Relaxing with Venus, a dog I love

I am not black, but one of the new kitties Cheryl brought home is black and she has been most fortunate to have around. We play and I show her where we can climb trees. Also, we do not hate anything. We may need to become familiar with new animals or noises or people, but we cats love to love.

Myths come from misunderstandings. The longer a myth has been around, the more time there is for ridiculous stories to get attached to the myth, but they still don’t make the myth true.

The same goes for God. It is a myth that God created us vulnerable to making mistakes. God did not create human beings, but spiritual beings, and our spirituality is able to reverse human mistakes.

From 21st Century Science and Health, “If we look to the body for pleasure, we find pain; for Life, we find death; for Truth, we find error; for Spirit, we find its opposite, matter. Now reverse this action. Look away from the body into Truth and Love, the Principle of all happiness, harmony, and immortality. Hold thought to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience as they occupy your thoughts.”

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