Everyday Inspiration

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” – Helen Keller Your attitude toward the world is based on how you react when it treats you wrong. You can choose to interpret your circumstances as bad, or you can see them as good. When you choose to…

“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.” – Don Marquis Procrastinating is the natural enemy to productivity. At some point, we all fall victim to it, despite our best intentions. What could you be doing right now if you weren’t procrastinating? Here are a few ways you can stop procrastinating and start being…

Today’s Sunday Inspiration: Help Is On The Way is a reminder that no matter how difficult things may seem at times, be encouraged; and be strong because help is on the way. Click here to watch and listen. About Alex Blackwell Alex Blackwell is a father, husband and writer. He writes about inspiring things at…

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” – Dalai Lama Sometimes you need a boost of encouragement to get through your day. Other times, you need to be that boost for someone else. Be the light in someone’s life and make their day awesome, using…

“The great man is he who does not lose his child’s-heart.” – Mencius, Book IV Remember when you were a child and played – just played. Time didn’t matter and the world’s problems seemed so far away. Even though the world is different now, you can still play, just play and feel alive again. Here…

Today’s Sunday Inspiration: You have been given a unique set of talents the world needs right now. So, rather than comparing your talents to others let your talents shine so the world can delight in your beautiful voice. Image Source: Jason’s Online Classroom About Alex Blackwell Alex Blackwell is a father, husband and writer. He…

”Right now at this very moment we have a mind, which is all the basic equipment we need to achieve complete happiness.” – Howard Cutler Welcome Spring! After a harsh winter, relief is coming. Spring is here. As you clean out your garage and closets, why not take the opportunity to do some spring cleaning…

“Whenever there is enthusiasm, there is a creative empowerment that goes far beyond what a mere person is capable of.” – Eckhart Tolle Not satisfied with how your life is working out? Are there dreams and passions living inside of you that haven’t had the chance to see the light of day yet? What would…

Today’s Sunday Inspiration: It’s not practical to think that every day will be a good day. Loved ones get sick, unexpected bills arrive and kitchen sinks leak, but no matter how dark the day may seem, there’s always something good in each day if you take the time to look. Image Source: Google Images. About…

“Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it.” – Chinese proverb If you keep doing things the same way you always have, you will easily fall into a rut. To feed your creativity, you have to step out and try new things. Satisfy your thirst for something different…

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