“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” – Oprah Winfrey

Sometimes I can get so caught up in the act of living that I forget why I’m living. While it’s important to do what’s necessary; it’s also important to take time to reflect on the life I’m creating.

When my last day arrives, I want to look back and know my life mattered; that it counted for something.

I want to close my eyes and feel my spirit excitingly begin its next journey without fear, anxiety or regret.

To help my spirit prepare, I try to live with passion. Some days are easier than others, but on all days my goal is to live life with a free and passionate heart. These 15 ways to live with passion remind me how.

15 Ways to Live with Passion

1. Take responsibility for your life and live every moment, every choice and every day like you own it.

2. Keep moving forward even when life hits hard.

3. Transform negative thought into positive beliefs by choosing to see what’s good in your life.

4. Love what you do. If you aren’t passionate about your job, consider what you would love to do and then begin moving in that direction.

5. Perfection isn’t required and mistakes are welcomed.

6. Take a honest look in the mirror. If you see something that needs changing, be sure to start today – start right now.

7. Thinking differently gives you the ability to test different ideas and then finding which ones bring you the most happiness, peace and purpose.

8. Become the person you want to be by stepping outside of your comfort zone and claiming your voice, realizing your worth and doing what you were made to do.

9. Make time to follow your heart’s desire.

10. Share your love and what is burning inside your heart so others can encourage you; inspire you and fill you back up with more love.

11. Believe you can by taking charge of your own beliefs and expecting to see the best in yourself.

12. Don’t waste time living someone’s life – live your life.

13. Know your truth. Find time to listen to your inner voice, your inner wisdom, by asking, What do I need? or What do I want?

14. Take a chance. You’ll never know what will happen.

15. Walk your path at your own speed and in your own way – it doesn’t matter how others how walking their path.

About Alex Blackwell

Alex Blackwell is a father, husband and writer. He writes about inspiring things at The BridgeMaker.
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