“I am building a fire, and every day I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match.” – Mia Hamm

If you’re like me, there are some days when life feels like a grind.

Deadlines, setbacks and disappointment can zap your energy. When these days come around, it’s good to know there are a few secrets for approaching life with a more positive attitude – no matter what’s happening.

Here’s a powerful roadmap to overcome hardship and fuel your spirit, attitude and life to bring out the best in you once again.

  • Do what you love
    If you find yourself waking before the alarm clock alerts you, chances are good you are doing what you love. However, if you are living without much passion, you may find your fuel gauge is hovering around empty. To change this, begin listening to your heart and do one thing you love each day. It is amazing how one simple action performed daily can result in significant long-term results.
  • Connect with someone
    Pick up the telephone, send an email or turn off the television. There are people in your life who would love to hear from you right now. It’s easier to get filled back up with love, support and friendship when you make the decision to share and connect.
  • Read or write, or do both
    Find a book that inspires you or challenges how you feel about a particular topic. Likewise, write in a journal or create a post for your blog or website. The point is to get in touch with how you feel and to open your mind to new ideas and challenges.
  • Pray
    No matter your spiritual choice, you are never alone – even though it can feel that way at times. The purpose of prayer isn’t only to ask for problems to be removed, but to give thanks for the life you have been given. When you take the time to stop and show gratitude you become better able to find the energy, the fuel, to keep going.
  • Do what you say you are going to do
    At the end of the day, all you really have is your character and integrity to define who you are. When you fulfill your commitments, not only do you have the opportunity to improve the lives of others, but you add significant self-worth and value to your own life, too.
  • Take a walk and breathe some fresh air
    Getting outside and breathing fresh air can invigorate your mind and provide a clearer lens to see your world. Walking, like any form of exercise, gets the adrenaline pumping. This helps to detoxify your body. As a result, you feel cleansed, refreshed, renewed and ready for what’s next.
  • Show kindness
    Reach out and help someone not because you have to do it, but because you want to do it. Do something kind because this thing called life – we are all in it together.
  • Do the hardest things first in the day
    When you focus your effort on doing the most difficult things first, you are probably knocking out the most important things, too. Your mind is clearer and your focus sharper to tackle the hardest things early in the day.
  • Listen to your body
    Most of us, if we stop and listen very carefully, have an intuitive sense about our bodies. We know when we don’t feel quite right. Listen to these messages and choose to respond. Your life is yours to live, but you do have a responsibility to live it wisely.

About Alex Blackwell

Alex Blackwell is a father, husband and writer. He writes about inspiring things at The BridgeMaker.
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