Doing the right thing. Speaking up. Looking out for those less able to defend themselves. These are qualities embodied by a man I grew up knowing, and, throughout high school, was proud to call my friend.  In fact, he was a lot of people’s friend, and still is today. His name is Brian Laguardia. You…

I came across this infertility post today. In it, the author, Melissa Ford, questioned a Dear Abby column responding to a reader on the subject of financing infertility. Ford found Dear Abby’s response to be ignorant. The reader was asking for Abby’s thoughts on holding a fundraiser to raise money for infertility treatments. Personally I…

So, I whine. When I was a kid, my parents even had a name for my kvetching ways: “the wip.” As in, I would pooch out my lower lip as far as possible (which in my case was rather astonishingly far) and pout, whinge and whine to express my childish frustrations. I’m a lot better…

They say confession is good for the soul. We’re going to find out, starting today, our first Failure Friday! Last Monday, Hillary debuted our new feature, “Moral Mondays“, honoring those who put their words into action and act in an outstanding ethical fashion. Well, that’s a great way to start the week – here’s a…

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