So I’m sitting at home watching President Obama’s Town Hall speech about credit card debt. Having just spent half the morning on the phone dealing with my credit card company, trying to get my card information straightened out, I’m fed up enough with these people. Seems they feel they have the right to make changes…

Today I took the coward’s way out.  Two days ago, I had an appointment with an acupuncturist–someone I hadn’t been to before. I’d been suffering from migraines, and was told the treatment might be a good holistic alternative to some heavy-duty drugs I was afraid to take. (For some other ideas, see Beliefnet’s Holistic Living…

When I first heard Wanda Sykes’ jokes about Rush Limbaugh this last weekend ( “I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker. But he was just so strung out on OxyContin he missed his flight,” “I hope your kidneys fail”) the inner me cheered “Whoo!” After all, I’d been subjected for years to his…

Here’s a sniffly, sneezy, gross, icky, potentially deadly (but thankfully so far mild) hot topic to talk about.  The ethics of swine flu.  Oh, excuse me, Obama administration and U.S. Pork Industry… H1N1 Influenza. Vice President Biden stirred up controversy recently with ill-considered and arguably irresponsible remarks about the potential health risks of using public…

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