Lots of ministers spend a huge amount of time and effort telling their congregations about how to be empowered in their lives financially, spiritually, and otherwise. However, too many churches fail to adequately empower their own teams. It is “Management 101” that people who are not empowered are not effective. People need to feel like…

Part of motivating any team is actually doing something. Organizations that get stuck in paralysis by analysis—or worse, a simple inability to create the inertia needed to act—will drive good people away. People, especially cause-oriented people, want to see things happen in a deliberate manner. People want to be associated with winners who are moving…

In a great episode of The West Wing, one of the president’s senior advisors, Sam Seaborn (played by Rob Lowe), was attracted to and wanted to date the daughter of the chief of staff, Leo McGarry. Leo decided to have a little fun and gave his daughter, a public school teacher and a staunch advocate…

Too many pastors believe the ability to lead equals the ability to manage. If you are like most pastors, the most important position(s) for you to fill are those one or two senior executives who manage the major elements of your organization. For example, with Bishop Jakes, I am COO of TDJ Enterprises, and I…

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