Take 10 minutes. Find a totally quiet, private place. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply. Relax. Empty your mind of all thoughts. There’s a special feeling of a vastly deep Love, an awareness of something bigger and more powerful, deep inside you. It flows from inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside. It…

Sometimes it’s good to remember that good things come from difficult, or bad times.  Just look at how flowers grow out of dirt.  All the dead matter, the organic waste, the decayed previous living plants all form soil, then it only takes a little seed to grow a magnificent, living, new flower. We’re like flowers,…

It’s been raining: pouring, driving, hard rain for days.  Work’s been pouring, too: so much to do, not enough time to get it all done.  Major transitions in the family: a close relative having surgery, kids demanding, emotional dramas.  Money challenges.  It’s an all-around difficult time.  Seems like everything at once is pouring down.  What…

Do your weekend diet, food plan, or efforts toward weight loss fall apart every weekend?  While relaxing from a hard week of work, do you lose “will power” and discipline on your day’s off? If the answer to my questions is “yes,”  here are some ideas of what you can do to stay on track.…

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