I am so pleased to tell you, dear reader, that today is the publishing date for my new book, “Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer: Experiencing the Presence of God and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of An Ancient Spirituality.” Eight years in the making, it’s a travelogue of the mind, heart and spirit. Travel along…

Today, let’s expand on a technique I’ve learned for offering love to others, in a way that they need — listening. We live in a world that is very fast paced, and getting faster every minute.  Many of us are stressed and multitasking in order to keep up.  Lots and lots of us have no…

Here’s a query for your day, today… What is overeating and being overweight giving you? Please think about this, in a very insightful, deep way, and share your feelings.  Post them on a comment below, then come back in a few hours or tomorrow and see what other have said. You may find some intriguing…

Today, let us celebrate love.  It’s St. Valentine’s Day.  Go out and love others.  Forgive them of their trespasses, and do your best to see their bright, best qualities.  Traditionally, Valentine’s Day was a celebration of love between lovers, but I think it should include everyone.  We all need some love, right? Wikipedia explains that…

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