To those of you in the U.S., I wish you a wonderful, bountiful Thanksgiving. There is much to give thanks for, especially for waking up alive again this morning. Much to be thankful to God for the love we have between us: family, friends, co-workers and neighbors.

I’m thankful to God that my project, “Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer,” a feature film and book, are about to be released!

We have opened a new Online Prayer Group on our MYSTERIES OF THE JESUS PRAYER Facebook (search: Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer page. Then click the “discussions” tab to discuss and share the Jesus Prayer with us.) Tell our growing community about your experiences using the Jesus Prayer. It goes like this:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

There’s a short form, too:

Lord have mercy. (or just the Holy name of Jesus)

This is a very ancient prayer, used through the millennia by Christians. There’s a nice book on its use from Frederica Matthewes-Green available on

— Here is another ancient prayer, long predating the U.S. and Canadian Thanksgiving, but wonderful to read at your Thanksgiving table. It is translated by, and is from Father John McGuckin’s book, The Book of Mystical Chapters, also available at

(Fr. McGuckin is our Historian, Producer and Co-Author of the movie). This prayer is from Symeon the New Theologian (949–1022 AD), one of the first Eastern Orthodox mystics to speak and write about direct mystical experiences of theoria, or contemplative communion. This is his Mystical Prayer, an ancient guide to prayer and the Christian life.

Come true light.

Come eternal life.

Come hidden mystery.

Come nameless treasure.

Come Ineffable One.

Come Inconceivable One.

Come endless rejoicing.

Come Sun that never sets.

Come true hope of all who wish to be saved.

Come awakening of all who sleep.

Come resurrection of the dead.

Come Powerful One who ever creates and recreates

and transfigures, by your simple will.

Come Invisible One beyond all touch or grasping.

Come eternally Motionless One, ever active

to come to us and save us who lie in Hell.

Come beloved name repeated everywhere

whose existence and nature we cannot express or know.

Come eternal joy.

Come untarnished crown.

Come royal purple of our great King and God.

Come jeweled belt of shining crystal.

Come unapproachable sandal.

Come imperial vestment.

Come sovereign right hand.

Come Lord whom my miserable soul has longed for,

and longs for still.

Come Solitary One, to this solitary, for as you see I am all alone..

Come, for you have alienated me from all things,

and made me be alone in this world.

Come, you who have become my desire,

and have made me desire you, the Inaccessible One.

Come, my breath, my life.

Come, consolation of my poor soul.

Come, my joy, my glory, my endless delight.

For I must give you all my thanks

for making yourself one with me in spirit.*

We wish you a safe and blessed Thanksgiving, and hope that you join us in giving thanks to God every day for all your blessings.

– Please bookmark this daily blog and return every morning. And don’t forget to sign up for free newsletters with prayers, meditations, chants, and wisdom from our “Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer” movie and film. Visit

*J Koder (ed). Saint Syméon le Nouveau Théologien. Les Hymnes de l’Amour Divin. Sources Chrétiennes. vol. 51. Paris. 1957 ; vol. 96. Paris. 1973; vol.156. Paris. 1969; vol. 174. Paris. 1971. Used with permission.

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