If you’re a regular reader you’re aware of my quest to eat more salads.  I will admit, I have not been in love with them, until now.  I’ve come up with a bunch of new ideas for bunches of lettuce.  This one will give you so much energy, without the high-fat, you’ll be all fired up with love! 

Dr. Norris Chumley’s Satisfying Sexy Salad

  • Lettuce Greens, 2 cups (mixed, preferably – try mesclun, radicchio, romaine, etc.)
  • Basil, fresh, about 10 leaves.  (substitute spinach, or kale, or chard)
  • ¼ cup mandarin oranges (fresh preferably, actually any orange will do, or canned without syrup)
  •  2 radishes (for ravishing)
  • Protein: choose 1 serving of chicken, or tofu (marinated/baked), or nuts (almonds, pecans, peanuts), an egg, etc.
  • Dried Cranberries, ¼ cup  (unsweetened.  Substitute raisins if you like)
  • Dressing, 1 tablespoon: balsamic vinaigrette, Italian, or raspberry/walnut (make sure it’s lower-fat, without added chemicals)
  • Seasoning: add some dried tarragon, thyme, and/or a dash or red pepper or chilies.
  • Toss.  Eat.  Love.

This salad has very strong, delicious flavors, in an unusual combination.  If eating out at a buffet or salad-bar, these are ingredients that are of
ten found.  Just avoid adding other fattening salad stuff: such as cheese, mayonnaise-based salads, and fatty salad dressings – they pour on the pounds.

COME BACK HERE TOMORROW for another great recipe — for a low-fat, low-calorie fruit yogurt.

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and please email this recipe to all of your friends.

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