I love the net.  I love being able to speak together with you, every day, like today, Day 19 of the Give-Back Diet.  I love reading comments you post, and questions from you.  When I was losing weight, I got a lot of help from my friends.  Friends for years, and new friends, people in support groups, church groups, men’s gatherings, speaking publicly and giving workshops – I need and cherish my friends, they help me and I offer them my help.  

Yes, God knows we need our friends.  Without them, life would be impossible, certainly.  We need to get our ideas and feelings out in community conversation, like this online group, and in person.  It’s important to feel loved and valued by others.

Friends are especially important when trying to lose weight.  Certainly everyone who knows you would agree: they want you to be healthy and live a long life.  They would help and encourage you along the way, and might even join in with you.

Having a friend means you can confide in one another, too, and trust the other to keep things private.  It means so much to be able to have a friend listen carefully to you, and you to really listen to them, too.  


— Reach out to a friend today.  Make an appointment to talk, get together, or chat.
— Tell them about the “Give-Back Diet,”  what it’s about, how you’re doing, and what you’re learning.
— Keep the journal going, and keep becoming mindful of what you eat, when, where, amounts of foods, and how you are feeling before and after eating. Also, record your physical activities, like walking, stretching, running errands, taking stairs instead of elevators, dancing, and recreational activities.


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