Congratulations!  You have begun a new way of thinking and taken action on your desires to change.  I hope you have gotten a physical check-up from your doctor or health provider, or at least made an appointment.  I would love to know what problems you’ve given up to God, and what you ate, did, and felt yesterday–please share in the comment box below. Keep logging everything you eat, do and feel today.  Write everything in your journal.

If you’re like some of my clients over the years, you may be wondering how, exactly, you can lose weight by becoming mindful and writing logs or keeping a journal.  You may want to know the theory behind sharing your problems with God and others.

By being conscious of what you are eating–and why–giving problem eating to God, and sharing it with others, you instantly eliminate compulsive overeating because you quickly begin to eat according to nutritional need, rather than by habit.  By sharing your problems and asking for help, you unburden yourself of a pain you would otherwise dull with food.  By connecting with other people, through this website and in-person, you tap into a wealth of information and fellowship with others, protecting you from feeling alone with seemingly impossible problems.  Help is available in relationships with other people, and from your spiritual source.

Now, I promised I would give you helpful tips and things to do each day, and keep it easy, so let’s go!

Speaking of skipping foods you know aren’t so good for you (like candy bars), let’s talk a moment to think about some healthier food choices.  The point is to eat foods that are healthier in just the right combinations, which means food that has good nutritional value instead of high-calorie nutritionally empty food, and foods that will give you lasting satisfaction.  It’s a big subject, of course, so let’s go over some good ideas one-at-a-time, day-by-day together.

Basically, any foods that are in their natural state are healthier for you.  Fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish, poultry, and meats in small quantities, in general, are healthier.  Things that have added ingredients are not as good for you.  That includes anything with added sugar or sweeteners, or lots of fats; they have tons of calories that are not so helpful. Foods that are “processed,” in general terms, are not as healthy.  This includes white “enriched” bread, white pasta, sugary candies and desserts, most fast food, and packaged snacks and meals.  I am NOT saying don’t ever eat these things again, that’s impractical.  What I AM saying is to be mindful of them, and limit eating them, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.  I am saying choose an apple, orange or ¼ cup raisins instead of a candy bar.  Or instead of a double-cheese burger on the run, order the grilled chicken on a plain (whole grain) bun with mustard or ketchup instead of mayonnaise.  Add some lettuce and tomatoes.  You’ll save hundreds of calories.

Today’s Action Plan:

  • Go for another 10-minute walk or stretch today. 
  • Make one healthier food choice, as outlined above.  Have a piece of fruit for a snack today, or a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a cheeseburger.  Post a comment and tell us what you plan to do. In other words “give back” the problem.
  • Drink three 8-ounce glasses of plain water today, at minimum.
  • Take a look at what you ate and did yesterday.  Was there something that you ate that you later regretted?  Make a note about that feeling.  Did you go for a walk or stretch?  Write how you felt.  Did you have any emotions connected with what you ate, such as “felt tired, ate candy bar,” or “no time for lunch, stressed-out, ate a double cheeseburger on the run.”  Or “felt great after some prayer, gave my problems to God, skipped my afternoon candy bar.”
  • Post your revelations and pattern-spotting in a comment below.  Help others by shedding some light on your own problems.  Read other comments, and see what others are learning and doing.

A good trick is to have your healthier choice food on hand, ahead of time.  Problems arise when we’re hungry, pressed for time, or there’s just nothing available quickly where you are.  That’s why I suggest an apple or orange for a snack – they are portable, need no refrigeration, and contain far more nutrients than a “processed” snack or junk food.

One more thing:  I want to end the myth that healthier, whole, unprocessed foods always cost more.  I will dispel some myths everyday.  An individual apple costs anywhere from 25 cents to 75 cents. Less in bulk.  A candy bar costs 75 cents to a dollar, and that’s the smallest kind.  The apple has lots of vitamins, such as vitamin C, and fiber.  The candy bar is only fat and sugar, no vitamins whatsoever.  The apple has approximately 80 calories and no fat.  The candy bar approximately 300 calories and 13 grams of fat.  The apple will give you long lasting energy and help you fell full from the fiber.  The candy bar gives a quick rush of energy, but then gets you in a slump later on.

Please do these things right now, before your mind gets filled-up with blocks or counter-productive old habits.  Come back tomorrow to read what others have posted, and for some new ideas and ways of being your best.

Please tell all your friends about this new program – invite them to join in too.

 If this is the first time reading about the give-back diet, don’t worry. You can start today.

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