When I became a vegetarian long ago in my teens, I had the mistaken assumption that by eating only vegetables and “health food,” I’d be eating fewer calories, and of course, lose weight!  Boy was I wrong!

Just because one changes to a “healthy” diet full of whole grains, vegetables, organic this and that, the calories are still there!

Yes, some may consider organic chocolate covered raisins “fruit,” but they are still candy and high sugar/high calorie.

Sure, organic or “all natural” peanut butter may be better for you, with less fat (the unsaturated kind) and more protein, but it’s still really powerful and caloric.

Yes, whole grain breads are far better from your colon health, but they are still bread (let’s just be honest – they’re carbohydrates).

Yes, even free-range chicken is still chicken.  No-hormone beef is still high saturated fat.

Vegetarian lasagna has lots of pasta (carbs) and cheese (saturated fat) and a smattering of vegetables.

Be careful and eat less while you are eating healthier, and weight loss and weight management will be yours.

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