When planning your day, make sure to keep it simple. Don’t try to do too many things, eat too much, or forget to include some joyful activity.

Remember your “Joy of Weight Loss” food
plan. Pick foods that you will enjoy and remember to treat yourself to
a whole day of moderate, balanced eating from all the food groups. If
you’ll be going to a restaurant, allow yourself enough time to eat
slowly. If you’re cooking at home, carefully shop for foods that are whole and healthy.

Schedule some time to be active. I find that taking a brisk morning
walk, or going to the gym or recreation center first thing, to attend
an aerobics or dance class is one of the greatest gifts I can give
myself. Make moving your body a high priority; not an afterthought in
your day.
Also, be certain you do things that are going to bring you a lot of
joy. Being with family and friends, being by yourself or even doing
nothing at all can also bring you a lot of peace and joy.

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