What if there was a way to have your pie and eat it too?  This no sugar, no fat, easy and simple recipe is what you’ve been looking for!  A one-cup serving is around the equivalent of a serving of grains (carbohydrates) and a fruit serving.

Dr. Chumley’s Guilt-Free Summer Fruit Cobbler Recipe (or Fruit Crisp)
6-8 servings

Go berry picking (blueberries, black or raspberries), or get them from the farmer’s market.  Pick a peck of peaches (or rather: 4-5 cups sliced).  You can surely use any fruit you like.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Have a 9″ x 13″ glass or ceramic baking dish ready.  No need to grease or flour.  Metal is OK, but reduce the oven temp by 50 degrees if you use one.


1 cup oats (rolled or quick)
1 cup whole wheat flour
pinch of salt
2 pinches of ground cinnamon
3/4 cup fat-free sour cream or fat-free buttermilk
a few sprinkles of ice-water, adjust as necessary

Mix the dry ingredients in a food processor for 30 seconds or by hand, just enough to combine them.  Add the wet ingredients slowly, little by little, until you have some nice, dry-doughy globs.  Be care to not make it too wet.

Fruit Filling:

4-5 cups sliced or chopped ripe peaches or other fruit that’s in season.  Preferably fresh fruit, although canned or frozen in no-sugar or syrup concoctions will do.
1-2 cups of halved berries, whatever is on hand, from the orchard, farm, or market.  Fresh is best!
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 pinch of salt
½ lemon squeezed (about 1-2 teaspoons)
half the lemon’s zest
(optional) 1 tablespoon cornstarch or agar-agar powder for thickening.

Combine fruit and the assorted ingredients in a large mixing bowl.  Spoon the fruit filling into the baking pan.  Add the topping in small clumps (cobbler) or spread over the top (crisp).

Bake for about 40-50 minutes until the fruit filling is bubbling and the crust is about to be golden, but not quite golden brown (to avoid dryness).  If the crust is cooking too quickly, add aluminum foil halfway through the baking.

Let cool an hour before serving.  Serve warm.

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