I have a surprise for YOU!  This entire month, I will be offering you ways to save money and lose weight at the same time.  I’ll offer new recipes for cooking healthy, low-cost meals and snacks; ideas for filling yourself up with good, inexpensive food; and ways to cut calories and money.

“How can I lose weight and save money at the same time?” you may ask.  Simple answer: less is more.  By eating foods that are healthier and cost less; by eating less and feeling more full, you can make changes in your eating habits that will translate to pounds lost over time.  You can definitely help your finances in addition to your waistline.

Here’s my challenge, start today by doing just five little things for yourself:  1. get on the scale right now and weigh yourself.  2. Measure yourself using a tape measure: waist, hips, upper arms.  Take a “before picture.” 3. Return to this blog, www.beliefnet.com/drnorris EVERY DAY. (Bookmark it, subscribe to the RSS feed, and become my follower on Twitter.com (drnorrischumley)  4. Follow the suggestions every day this month, eating less when possible and moving your body for at least ten (10) minutes a day. 5. Ask God for help to lose 5-10 pounds this month together with me, and your fellow Beliefnet “Dr. Norris Chumley Satisfied Life” friends, right here.

Let me know how you are doing by posting regularly below, daily.  Tell your friends about your commitment, and ask them to join you.

You’ve already saved some money by reading this!  Now, have half or three-quarters of your next meal – start with the portion size of what you serve yourself, just make it a little less today, and eat very slowly, totally savoring each bite.

Take me with you all day!  Follow drnorrischumley on Twitter.com
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