Very interesting news… there are three recent articles in the New England Journal of Medicine that report brown fat, or brown adipose tissue, something that burns energy faster than regular “adult fat” was originally thought to be only in newborns.  Doctors and researchers believed that once we grew older, the brown fat went away.  This “brown fat” has the ability to burn calories and therefore, excess fat potentially, when activated by cold temperatures.

Take a look at a Reuter’s news report by clicking here.  It refers to three articles in the New England Journal of Medicine.  One on the “Identification and Importance of Brown Adipose Tissue in humans”  Another on “Functional Brown Adipose Tissue in Healthy Adults” and “Cold-Activated Brown Adipose Tissue in Healthy Men”

This doesn’t mean that you should spend time in cold places, though, at least not yet anyway.  Much more research needs to be done to discover if this finding can be applied in a clinical, or self-administered methods to assist us.

Still, weight loss and maintenance is about the simple equation of how many calories you take in verses how much you use.

How do you feel about that equation?  What do you think about the new discovery about brown fat?  Please post your thoughts, feelings and ideas below.

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