Until recently, I was not an enthusiast for the term “lucid dreaming”, because it came to be associated with silly notions of “controlling” or “manipulating” dreams. Through dreaming, we have access to a source that is infinitely wiser and deeper than the everyday ego, and we want to be available to that source. I am…

The gateways you discover in night dreams and twilight states are the best, safest and most timely starting points for conscious dream journeys, including shamanic soul-flight. With practice, you will find you can have wonderful adventures riding that dream elevator, exploring that dream house (or dream city), or stepping through the hole in the wall or…

I went to see Steven Spielberg’s movie Lincoln today and found it mostly wonderful.  Near the beginning, we see a dramatization of one of Lincoln’s recurring dreams of being on a boat that is heading into the mist, a boat on which he is alone without means of navigation. He associated these dreams with coming events on…

I am endlessly fascinated by the etymology of the words for “dream” in different cultures. Often the root and alternative meanings of these words suggest a lively understanding that more is going on in dreams than is widely understood in modern urbanized societies. Take the case of the Hopi, a Pueblo nation of the Southwest…

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