I was leading a weekend workshop in the original California Gold Rush country, at a center just outside Coloma. The workshop was titled “Dreaming a Life with Heart.” In the first morning session, as always, I had people introduce themselves by explaining their intention for the weekend. A man in the circle could hardly wait…

One of the greatest services we can render the dying is to help them open to the gifts of their own dreams. Just as dreams rehearse us for challenges on the roads of life, they prepare us for the journey beyond death. Dreaming, we travel quite naturally beyond the body, into deeper dimensions of reality,…

Jung agreed to see a woman who had “incurable” insomnia that had resisted all previous treatment. In her presence, he found himself remembering a lullaby his mother had crooned to him in childhood. He started humming it aloud. The song was about a girl on a little boat on a  river, full of gleaming fish.…

Soul loss, says shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman, is a survival mechanism. When the pain of life gets too much, we let part of ourselves slip away. If you are about to have a head-on collision, she likes to say, the last place you want to be is in your body. The problem is that the…

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