The body sometimes seems to “know” about a future event and responds as if that event has already taken place. An old term for this is presentiment.  It can amount to the body presenting anticipatory symptoms. A personal example: I went to my doctor’s office for my annual physical. A new medical assistant took my blood…

Precognition is knowledge of things to come that we cannot conceivably know about through ordinary channels. A precognitive dream contains specific data about a future event that is not available to you outside the dream. You receive confirmation of a precognitive dream when an event takes place that corresponds to your dream in specific ways.…

Quick, repeat after me the following word: paraskevidekatriaphobia. This is the learned name for fear of Friday 13th. It doesn’t trip off the tongue quite as lightly as triskaidekaphobia, which means fear of the number 13. The longer tongue-twister is derived from the Greek words for “Friday“, “thirteen”, and “fear”. But don’t blame the ancient Greeks, The term was…

Catch any fish today? In many parts of Europe, an April Fools prank is called an “April fish”.  In Dutch, it’s apriivis; in Italian, pesce d’Avrile. The term poisson d’Avril first broke surface in a French poem in the early 1500s. The original, smelliest, version of such a prank was to attach a dead fish to the back…

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