I haven’t much favored the term “lucid dream” – though I’ve been a lucid dreamer all of my life – because of past associations with agendas for “controlling” or “manipulating” dreams. But as the discussion matures, especially since the publication of an excellent book by Robert Waggoner titled Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self,…

I’m not enthusiastic about the term “lucid dreaming” because it has often been associated with silly notions of “controlling” or “manipulating” dreams. Through dreaming, we have access to a source that is infinitely wiser and deeper than the everyday ego, and we want to be available to that source. I am in favor of learning…

What is a shaman? The word was borrowed by anthropologists from the Tungus Siberian people. Correctly pronounced, the long As (“ah”) are given equal weight (“shah-mahn”); the magic of the word is in its resonance. The word came into widespread use after the publication of Mircea Eliade’s classic work Shamanism, An Archaic Technique of Ecstasy.…

Calling all dreamers: My next “Way of the Dreamer” radio show on healthylife.net will be LIVE with call-ins next TUESDAY, October 12th. Please call in with dreams and questions to share. We’ll play the Lightning Dreamwork game and explore the many ways in which we can use the arts of Active Dreaming to live more…

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