Ernestine Shepherd

Ernestine Shepherd is 75 and is the world’s oldest competitive female bodybuilder. She starts her days by running 10 miles. Never athletic in early life, she decided to start exercising when she and her sister went to the beach in their swimsuits, in their mid-50s, and decided they did not like the way they looked. They went to the gym together for a while, but Ernestine lost motivation and quit going.

Then, after her sister died of a brain aneurysm four years ago, Ernestine received a dream visitation. In her dream, her deceased sister chided her for giving up exercise. “You’re not doing what we agreed to do.” This restored Ernestine’s motivation. At 71 she started bodybuilding and is now leading fitness classes for women in church groups.

You can watch Ernestine in action, and hear her tell her own story, in a BBC program here. She certainly does not look or move like a woman of 75, and has found her place in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Yet another case of how a dream visitation from the deceased can inspire and motivate. I think of people on the Other Side who have offered me life-changing or life-confirming guidance over the years. Not being especially athletic, I’m grateful they haven’t pressed me to take up bodybuilding, though!

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