A dream story for Valentine’s Day:

The box with Melody’s old journal took a long time catching up with her, as she went through a series of house moves. When she finally opened the box, she was living in Texas, happily married to an astronomer who had three sons from his previous marriage.  She leafed through the old journal and was stunned to read the following entry, from many years before:

With an astronomer in a bedroom. Three baby beds, three baby boys. He tells me, “I can’t come right now.”

At the time of the dream, there was no astronomer in her life. She had forgotten the dream until she read the old journal, but she was now quite certain that in dreaming, she had met her future husband.

More than a glimpse of the future, the dream seemed to be an actual encounter with the astronomer, in the situation he was in at that time. He couldn’t come to her then, perhaps because his kids were so young. When they met and married, his boys were much older.

“Our souls reached out to each other,” Melody told me when we talked about the dream.

I speculated that maybe she had had a whole series of subsequent encounters with the astronomer, in dreaming, rehearsing for their first physical meeting and their subsequent relationship.

I think it may be like that for all of us. Our souls reach to our soul friends and partners in dreaming, and sometimes we are lucky enough to join each other on the physical plane.

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