Christians are not exempt from the natural causes of a fallen world or the progression of a poor environment or bad habits. Pain and suffering are consequences of the Fall. Our world is full of disease, illness, violence, abuse, and all sorts of pain. Scripture tells us that even creation groans in this fallen state.…

The job offer was to come any day now, but it didn’t. An email read, “Thank you for applying, but we decided to hire another candidate.” Or “You are a great person, but I don’t think we are right for each other. Sorry, we need to end this relationship.” Or ” I really liked your…

As we embrace this Lenten season,  we realize that as Christians, we are not exempt from the natural causes of a fallen world or the progression of a poor environment or bad habits. Pain and suffering are consequences of the Fall. Our world is full of disease, illness, violence, abuse, and all sorts of pain.…

  Jake was only 19-years-old when he found himself addicted to opioids. It all started with removal of his wisdom teeth and a prescription for narcotics to help with the pain. Quickly, he moved from use to compulsive use and found himself drug seeking on the streets. At the age of 20, he died of…

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