Do you expect good things to happen in your life? What about in your relationships? How often do you talk about relationship expectations? Expectations make a difference. When they are positive and reasonable, they help a relationship grow. When expectations are unknown, problems occur. And when relationship expectations aren’t met, even more problems develop. But…

Are you going through a difficult time with a family member, a loved one, a co-worker or even a boss? Maybe you are on the brink of losing a relationship. Don’t give up hope. Instead, apply relationship first aid to revive an ailing relationship. Here are 6 ways to apply relationship first aid: Build the…

When we marry, we hope it is for a lifetime. It is important to choose the right person to go the distance. What if you could predict which newlywed couples will remain married and which ones will divorce four to six years later? And what if you were right 90% of the time. Well…this is…

TWEET: You didn’t follow through on your promise today #madatyouagain TWEET: How about the way you responded #outofcontrol TWEET: No way. Call me @JohnSmith. I’m over Tim! TWEET: #overreacting. #outofcontrol and trying to blame me. I guess I eat out tonight! TWEET: Seriously, no dinner with me is right! Checking my options @JohnSmith What would…

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