The last time I did a live call-in radio show on the topic of in-laws, the phones rang off the hook. Not everyone has the blessing of good in-laws. But like it or not, the in-laws are part of your life. So having a good relationship with them is vital. After all, these are the…

If you are thinking of getting married or already married, you may be interested in what couples who have  been married 10 or more years say is important in making a relationship work. These responses are from the Internet, not scientific, just opinions based on experience. But it is interesting to read what people think…

Tom is a healthy 26-year-old male who recently married and is struggling in his sex life due to the influence of pornography.  Although he and his wife attend church, Tom is one of the 64-to 68% of young adult men who uses pornography at least once a week (Covenant Eyes). During college, Tom used pornography to address his…

Kathy had never seen a therapist before her husband announced he was having an affair with another woman. The shock of his disclosure was enormous. She repeatedly asked herself, “How could I have missed the signs and been so naïve? Have I been in denial of our marital problems?” Kathy didn’t consider herself prone to…

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