Doing Life Together

Terrance, age 40, has quit multiple jobs because of boredom. At home, he has several projects going at once, has trouble concentrating and rarely finishes one thing before moving on to the next. His wife is frustrated because she knows he is smart, but seems to have trouble concentrating. Recently, Terrance was diagnosed with adult…

If I asked you today, how you feel about your mom, would you be conflicted? Does that question raise anxiety in you, or make you feel upset, or do you just want to avoid the answer? The powerful mother-daughter bond is a hotbed for all kinds of emotions. And it doesn’t much matter what age…

  Reader Question: I am in the middle of a big argument with my mom and sister. The issue is between me and my mom but my sister sides with mom and the two of them gang up on me. I am always the outsider. We haven’t talked for 6 months and now my mom wants…

 GET OUT THERE AND VOTE TODAY! It’s important! No excuses! Just do it!

Reader Question:  When mom and dad are so stressed from kids and work, what kind of strain does that put on marriages? And what about temptation? Stress either pushes you closer together as a couple or moves you father apart. It also taps your resources and can wear you down if you don’t have the…

“People who are pro life are pro rape.” “People who are pro choice want to kill babies.” I’m sickened by both political parties making outrages attacks and statements about people grappling with the abortion debate. Pro-life Republicans accused of hating women and pro-choice Democrats portrayed as baby killers. This is shameful. Inflammatory rhetoric does little…

It has been a traumatic week. The raging winds and rains of hurricane Sandy have wreaked havoc in the lives of so many along the East Coast and even inland this time around. Now, days after the storm has finally abated, we witness the devastation left in its path—people who died, pets swept away, homes…

Q: Our child is three-years-old and doesn’t really know much about Halloween yet, but we do. I have been surprised at how many people, Christians included, have given us a hard time about our decision not to celebrate. There is so much about Halloween we don’t like that we prefer to ignore it. I know…

The technology invasion has happened. Too often we hear how social media and other media have taken us captive and ruined our relationships and lives. Teens texting at the dinner table, kids obsessed with gaming and never giving an adult a glance, adults constantly checking sport scores, messages or texting. We are all guilty of…

Today, the east coast is being slammed  by the impact of hurricane Sandy. I lived on tidal water and know the fright of those storms, especially  during high tide. The winds sustain and the full moon creates atmospheric problems. How do you stay calm when the winds rage around you, knocking down trees, power lines…

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