Doing Life Together

When we hear anything about eating disorders, we tend to think of girls and women. Yet, some of you are familiar with the term “manorexic,” referring to boys and men who also struggle with a clinical eating disorder some time in their life.  In fact, 10 million men suffer according to the National Eating Disorders…

Not every person who is depressed can tolerate the side effects of antidepressants, nor are the medications always effective. So if a treatment with few side effects that targeted a specific region of the brain was available, would you be interested? Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) may be that treatment. In 2009, TMS was approved by…

When I would visit my mom in the nursing home, I would visit the Alzheimer’s unit  and ask my mom to come sing with me while I played the piano for the patients.  What was remarkable was that the Alzheimer patients, who couldn’t remember who I was from time to time, would join mom and…

When it comes to losing weight, all the tricks we know help! So here is one to add to your bag. If you want to eat less of an item, buy it individually wrapped rather than loose in the bag. For example, let’s say you could buy individual wrapped candies and put them in a…

It’s 6 a.m. You begin your day with two cups of coffee, feed the kids, and grab a granola bar as you run out the door to meet the school bus. Then you make a mad rush to do errands. By 10 a.m., your blood sugar is dropping so you stop by 7-11 and grab…

Everyday, we are exposed to new health findings in newspapers, blogs, on-line websites, and news feature. If you listen to them all, you will end up confused, and feeling like your family gets an “F” in health. And all of this information can create worry and tension. So if you find yourself yelling across the…

Terry slouched on my therapy couch and mumbled, “My mom has a new husband. She wants me to be nice to him, but I don’t feel like being nice. I’m sick and tired of not seeing my dad. I don’t like this strange guy walking around my house and telling me he’s my friend. He’s…

According to a  study by psychology professor Timothy Jay at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, the rise in adult vulgarity is being mimicked by children and teens. Jay says that swearing really takes off between ages three and four. The reason for the rise in children who swear has everything to do with adults who…

Sex therapist will tell you that lack of sex in a marriage could be a sign of marital crisis. While that may be true, it is normal for a couple’s sex life to slow down over time and even stop. Yet, having sex turns out to be one of the ingredients for a happy marriage.…

We all know the warnings new moms are given to stay away from alcohol and drugs before and during a pregnancy. Maternal exposure to alcohol in-utero is a risk and cause for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Children born with FAS can suffer intellectual and social problems, stunted growth and nervous system abnormalities. But what about the…

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