Doing Life Together

If you have a chance to listen to Geneticist Wendy Chung’s TED talk on autism, do so. She briefly summarizes where we are on better understanding the Autism Spectrum Disorders. Here are a few of her points: 1) Autism is a spectrum disorder which means it looks different in different children. There is a wide…

I’ ve written several articles on the dangers of tanning to the skin, but now we may have additional concerns when it comes to mental health, especially the mental health of our teens. The teenage years are marked with insecurity and a desire to fit in and be noticed. When it comes to appearance, teens…

Memorial day is supposed to honor men and women who died in all wars. This is why many of us visit the graves of our fallen loved ones and fly the American flag at half-staff until noon. Others march in parades, visit monuments and pray. And while many of us have lost loved ones in…

Some of you remember singer Robert Palmer’s well-known music video, Addicted to Love. The chorus repeats the line, “Might as well face it, you’re addicted to love.” What if Palmer was on to something here? Can people be addicted to love? Psychiatrist Vineeth John at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, thinks…

“No, you can’t play with us! ” When children are left out of activities with their peers, it is painful. No one likes to be the child that isn’t picked in P.E. or the one who didn’t get invited to a birthday party. Researchers have looked at why some kids are rejected. Here are some…

A mom notices that her three-year-old son eats dirt, paper and sand. She wonders if this is normal and if he will eventually grow out of this behavior.   A child who persistently eats nonnutritive substances like dirt, sand and paper for a period of over a month could be suffering from pica. Pica is…

It’s tragic whenever a marriage comes to a point where two people are struggling to coexist. When a relationship becomes toxic, dangerous, emotionally exhausting or so contentious that two people can’t have a civil conversation, separation can function like a time-out. It gives a couple time to think, pray and sort out what needs to…

It’s Spring soccer for the kids. We take the field, watch our kids run in a herd towards the goal and come back to the sideline for a short pep talk. Then, it is halftime. The mom in charge of snacks rolls her big cooler to the sideline and pulls out the energy drinks. I…

Even though my mom is no longer with me, I will miss her this Mother’s Day! This is a picture of us celebrating years ago. And while my mother-daughter relationship was not perfect, there was so much she gave me that has helped me become the person I am today. I thought it would be…

The Barna Group surveyed American moms in their FRAMES project and discovered both positive and negative influences of social media on how moms feel about themselves. We all know that  social media can certainly make someone look better than perhaps she is, but that knowledge doesn’t stop us from comparing ourselves to others. And even…

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