Doing Life Together

A reader asks: As much as I love to shop on-line, I prefer to tackle the masses during Christmas and head to the malls and store. My question is, “How can I shop with two little ones (ages two and four) and remain sane?” I will have to take them with me but really want…

Joanne looked at the chocolate-covered donut in her hand. As she took her first bite, she wondered, “Why am I eating this? I”m not really hungry, but the plate of goodies sitting by the office coffee pot just looks good. Besides, my boss is making me crazy! But is there more to the story? For most of…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year….well, not for everyone. Holidays can be difficult if you struggle with your mood and family issues. However, there are proactive ways to keep your spirit bright. 1) Don’t overspend. Avoid being caught up in all the deals, discounts and e-shopping. Financial problems can be a real downer…

Are you dreading that trip in the car to grandparents? Is the hype of the holidays overstimulating your children? Too  much sugar, too little sleep? Try these 6 tips:   1) Routines and rituals: Try to keep as many going as you can. Even when you travel, insist on a regular bedtime. Take their favorite…

I know, the Christmas cookies are everywhere. There are candies, special coffees, extra treats….all temptations to indulge. So before you dive into that third cookie, ask yourself, “Do I really want to eat this? Will I be upset and sorry later?” If the answer is, “No, I’ll be upset later,” here are 10 tips to help…

Most of us think, “If I just had more money, I could relax, feel better about life and be happy.” But is this true? We know money can’t buy us love, but what about happiness? And if you are blessed to have money, should you buy that expensive TV in order to feel happy, or…

We’ve all experienced it at one time or another–a friend breaks trust, a husband cheats, a boss promotes someone else, etc. The challenge is to respond to betrayal in a way that honors God. What better example to learn from than the Son of God himself. When Jesus was betrayed: Jesus knew the heartbreak of…

You are busy. I get that. Welcome to life! When we are busy, sex can take a back seat and get lost in our everyday TO DO list. Of course busyness isn’t the only reason why sex wanes in a marriage. Often busyness is a cover for deeper or life issues. Consider the following 10…

Forgive and love generously. Remember, as you choose to forgive, bless and do good, this does not mean you condone negative behavior, are minimizing hurt or denying problems. It means you have decided to follow the words of Christ and do what does not come naturally to most of us. Our model is Christ. He…

Getting old is not for the faint at heart, at least, that is what my mother used to say. But is this attitude about aging one of the reasons we don’t age well? Research on aging tells us that the messages we receive about aging affect how well we age. Consider this. You are watching…

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