Looking for a special doll for your young daughter this Christmas? Well, there is one that has stirred up quite a bit of controversy. It’s called Breast Milk Baby and is sold through Berjuan Toys for $89.00.

The doll comes with an apron type top that a little girl puts on over her clothes. Two flowers are positioned where the nipples would be and when the baby’s mouth comes to the flowers, the doll makes a sucking sound. The child can then burp the baby after feeding. The doll basically simulates a mom nursing her baby.

The doll has polarized parents. Those in favor of the doll see it as just a way to imitate mom, and hope it will create a positive view of breast feeding. Since breast feeding is so beneficial for babies, some parents feel this is a positive step in normalizing the act.

Opposers are worried that the doll is too much too soon. The concern is that this is one more way we over sexualize young children. Some parents wrote on social media that the doll would encourage pregnancy, others just say it makes them uncomfortable and would choose another type of doll for their child.

Honestly, I can’t see the harm. Many kids watch their moms nurse their younger siblings and do not see this as a sexual act.  Psychologically, I do not believe this is a way to over sexualize children. I nursed both of my children and trust me, it wasn’t a sexual thing!

Perhaps, we Americans have sexualized breasts to the point of making this a creepy thing. Research points to the multiple benefits of breastfeeding–breast milk is easier to digest, fights disease, saves money and benefits the mothers health as well. While I don’t think a child has to have a doll to feel that breastfeeding is a normal action of a mom, I don’t think this doll is going to harm young girls.

But you are free to disagree with me. In fact, I would love to hear your thoughts!

So come on friends. Let’s do life together by weighing in on this one.


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