Wendy struggled to get out of bed. She felt sad, was losing interest in her usual activities, could not concentrate, had no appetite and was feeling worthless. She knew she was in trouble. Yet, when I suggested she see someone to help her through this difficult time, she refused. At first, she was hesitant to…

One of the most overlooked but most common reason for overeating is stress and emotional difficulties. Kids, like adults, can medicate life stress and difficulties with food. Food serves to temporarily numb out problems or bad feelings and provides immediate gratification. Food is a friend who never leaves and offers satisfaction. As food is used…

Words do hurt. Many of us have to de-program ourselves from negative messages that may or may not have been intended to hurt us or make us self-conscious but did. Hurtful words can impact our feelings of worth. You begin to doubt yourself and wonder if what is said is true about you. The good…

Jerry is 40-years-old and has a history of changing jobs. He is easily bored and distracted. Jerry’s wife is frustrated with all the home projects he starts and never finishes. A trip to the doctor landed Jerry a referral to a psychologist for an ADHD evaluation. When Jerry received the diagnosis, it all made sense.…

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