College! A time of learning and career preparation. But what your young adult may be learning might shock you. I spoke to a mom recently who had no idea Sex Week was part of many college campus’ experiences.

Almost a decade ago, Nathan Harden, author of Sex and God at Yale: Porn, Political Correctness, and a Good Education Gone Badprovided a wake-up call for parents of college students. His book was an expose on a practice that continues to this day. In fact, Sex Week was the lead up to Valentine’s Day this year on many campuses.

Despite Harden’s revelations, universities and colleges continue to promote, subsidize or host Sex Week. In his book. Harden revealed that at Yale, Sex Week is officially run by students, sponsored by the porn industry and sanctioned  by the University as “sex education.”

During Sex Week, porn stars provide graphic demonstrations of oral sex, violent sado-masochism acts, and other sexual practices. Sex industry CEOs are invited on campus for a marathon of sex-relatd film screenings, seminars and product demonstrations.

So  parents, your tuition dollars and your state taxes are often funding classes that teach your daughter how to be a prostitute and give oral sex to strange men. Your son can watch a live demonstration by a topless porn star on all kinds of deviant sexual acts. And women, you are the target of violent sex and sadistic pleasure and are supposed to think of this as sexually liberating. Your objectification and devaluing as a person…well, it’s only entertainment or a positive way to view of your body.

Are you kidding me? I feel violated just saying this.

I am personally outraged, offended and disturbed that ANY higher education institution would allow such degrading, objectifying, and morally corrupt behavior to be promoted on its campus. How does this fly with concerns over Title IX and sexual harassment? How many students are triggered into flashbacks by these events? What a mixed message this sends!

Would these universities like to also fund the thousands of dollars that will be spent on sexual addiction problems, broken relationships and ruined lives? Will they send me money to help undo the damage in therapy? As a couple’s therapist, I assure you, these programs do not create positive sexual behavior as promised.

The fall out from hypersexualizing people has been well-documented. The numbers of sex addicts and sexually violent offenders continue to rise. This results in abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, legal costs and disturbed people who need mental health treatment. Reducing people to sexual urges, encouraging sexual pleasure at any cost, is hardly the character development and life preparation we want our college age students to experience.

  • Every alumnus should protest and stop sending money.
  • Every parent should storm the once sacred halls and demand an end to such offensive activities. In fact, you should attend, take notes and make an appointment with an administrator of the college. Then contact news outlets and report what you saw. Hey, if this is so positive, the media attention would be welcomed.
  • Parents, seriously consider NOT sending your student to these schools. Do a search and find out which institutions host a Sex Week. What kind of education are you paying for–you deserve to know since you fund this.
  • Many of these institutions like Harvard were built on Christian principles and concerned about the moral development of young adults. They need our prayers.

This lack of moral integrity is one reason I sent my Salutatorian to a Christian university. She could have attended any school with her grades. But higher education does more than teach academics. It develops character and beliefs at a time when identity formation is critical.

Schools that promote Sex Week  have lost their  moral leadership. Despite all the reframing, they continue to allow women to be devalued at a time when the national spotlight is on Title IX and sexual assault. How sad is it that our young adults are led to believe that hyper-sexualism is normal and desired. Oh, and then when they practice what they learned in school, will get punished for illegally acting on those urges.



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