This will go down in history as one of the most unique Good Fridays we have ever experienced. We won’t be able to go to a church service. We won’t sit in the pew and contemplate the value of Christ’s sacrifice. We won’t engage in corporate repentance.

No, this year, we will sit in the safety of our homes. We will gather on-line. And hopefully, we will pause to remember the significance of this day. Despite the change in location, this next week we celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection.

As you think about this day, imagine what Christ’s followers must have thought. Their leader was about to suffer a grueling death. The sky darkened. The earth shook and the rocks split. Graves were opened. It must have all been so frightening. All hope seemed lost. On that day, it looked like evil won, but Easter reminds us that this is not true. Jesus triumphed over the grave. Death could not keep Him and He rose again! Our God is alive! And one day, there will be no more suffering, tears, no death, no mourning or pain. All things will be made new.

Good Friday is good is because Jesus willingly (He could have called His angels to rescue Him) sacrificed and suffered for us. He knew the plan and was obedient, even unto death. He knew His purpose and that His death meant our life. He took our sin to the cross so that we could be saved. Without His sacrifice, we could not be justified to God. Therefore, no matter how bleak Good Friday seems, Easter reminds us that one day all disease will be erased, wrongs will be righted, and brokenness will be healed.

Psalm 39:7 tells us, “My hope is in Him,” not circumstances or people. And Psalm 119:147 adds, “I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word.” On this Good Friday, cry for help and know that our living God is our constant source of hope. He defeated the darkness.He sees our troubles. He knows the darkness we currently face. Thankfully, He is life, healing and hope.

This Easter season choose hope. No matter how dark things get, refuse to give in to despair. Consider the words of the Apostle Paul,  “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always HOPEFUL, and endures every circumstance”(1 Corinthians 13:7). Can we endure this circumstance? Yes because Easter is coming!

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