holding-hands-752878_1920Like most of you, I was grieved over the horrific events of last week–bombs sent in the mail to politicians and a gunman killing innocent Jews gathering in their temple to name a baby. The worst of humanity was on display. The amount of hate we continue to see acted out on the national stage is frightening.

In reporting on these events, reporters could not restrain themselves from blaming everyone but the people who committed the acts. It was sickening to listen to the coverage. I listened to 3 major networks hoping to learn the facts without having to endure their opinions and blame. I rarely got that. Every chance reporters could get, they blamed their favorite targets of their own hate and dislike.

Even when there was a plea from a few grieving people to focus on the deaths of American citizens and to stop the blame, it continued. I was so disheartened by the inability of reporters to be respectful, I had to turn off my radio. I couldn’t stand the vitriol that seemingly never ended.  The insensitivity was astounding. The coverage was so bad on one network, I stopped my car at a traffic light and prayed.

One lone congressman told us to get on our knees and pray. He offered a biblical solution that no one wanted to talk about. It didn’t fit the narrative. No one ever mentioned the real solution for change– a transformed heart. And yet as we desperately seek answers to the hate we see, 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us how it will all change.

If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Action steps:

  1. Humble ourselves
  2. Be the children of God called by His name
  3. Pray and seek God’s face
  4. Turn from our wicked ways

The God response:

  1. Heaven will hear our prayers
  2. God will forgive our sin
  3. The land will be healed

We need a healed land. Yet, in my life time, we have moved completely away from national conversations that include the role of faith in a nation that was founded on faith in God.  Instead, we only discuss secular solutions that fall short and are incapable of changing a hateful person’s heart.

Only God changes hearts. Only God can take a terrorist like Saul and transform him to Paul who loved those he once hated. If we want to stop hate, we need God’s transforming power. And sadly, that’s not a message I heard anywhere in the analysis of the horrific events of the past week.



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