dad and babyIf you want a persistent child, dads are key.

Persistent is a trait most parents want to see developed in their children. When the assignment is difficult, we want  our kids to persist in their studies and do well. When the team is losing, we want a child who stays in the fight until time runs out. When faced with an assault on faith, we want  a child who stands firm no matter what.

And we know from research that persistent children are less likely to be delinquent and more likely to be engaged in school.

So how do we develop this in our children? A study in the Journal of Early Adolescence concludes that dads matter when it comes to developing persistence.

Brigham Young University researchers studied children from two-parent families and found that a dad’s’ parenting style more so than a mom’s, influenced persistence in children.

Specifically, dads who used an authoritative parenting style influenced their kids in a positive way when it comes to persistence. Authoritative parenting is characterized by a warm style of lovingly listening, but also providing rules and structure. Rules are explained and autonomy is encouraged. So there is a nice balance between loving and accountability.

Why dads are more influential in this area of developing persistence is not known. One explanation could be that dad’s focus more on persistence. Whatever the case, dads play an important role.

So dads, think about what you are trying to pass on to your children. Look at your parenting style. And remember, you matter and have a specific role when it comes to developing certain traits in your children.

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