All you have to do is listen to people comment as they walk around the mall. So many have a negative view of self. Everything from, “I feel fat today” to “I hate the way I look” can be heard.

Have you embraced a distorted view of yourself? Have you used the cultural standards of beauty and success to judge your worth?

God invites you to a personal relationship in which you can find ultimate acceptance. With His help, you can break free from a negative self-image. Review these points in order to correct your image.

1. Have a proper understanding of what self-image is. A self-image is based on your own ideas of acceptance and accomplishment. A God-image is built on the inherent dignity and worth you have as His child. Nothing you do or accomplish impacts your worth.

2. God esteems you when people do not. God cares about your heart and looks at things that have eternal significance.  Scripture reminds us that we are accepted, secure and significant because we are His.

3. At the root of a negative self-image is a lack of true identity. If identity is based on anything other than who we are in Christ, it can be shattered. Identity in Christ is necessary to develop God-esteem. No matter what your past, salvation changes you to a new creation and immediately connects you to the person of God.

4. Daily renew your mind with the Word of God. Value what God values. Change begins in your thought-life. As you think on things that are good, pure, noble, lovely and of good report, review the promises of God. Identify the lies of the enemy and ask God to reveal His truth about who you are.

5. Change your behavior. Stop striving for self-actualization and ways to be loved. Receive His unconditional love for you. Rest in Him and allow His love to transform you.


For more help in breaking free from negative self-image, order my small booklet as pictured above on the link below to the right.

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