armsAs summer approaches and more of us are going sleeveless again, we can certainly see the jiggle that comes with aging or not working out in the gym.

Yes, we would all like to have the arms of news anchors who seem to have a penchant now for sleeveless dresses. But most of us have to spend hours in the gym to fight the effects of either laziness or plain old aging.

Plastic surgeons call this jiggly, loose skin on the back side of the arms, “bat wing deformity.”

Nice, right?

What may surprise you is that arm lift surgery is on the rise. According to an article in USA TODAY, this surgery has increased 4,000% in the past decade. That is a lot of arms being operated on!

But here is the good news. The increase isn’t driven by our need to emulate the First Lady or look like celebrities on the red carpet. Yes, we are obsessed with youth in our culture and people are getting this surgery to look younger. But the increase is due to the surge of weight loss surgeries. When a person loses a significant amount of weight with procedures like the gastric bypass, the weight drops off but the skin remains. This extra skin, or “bat wing” doesn’t go away with the weight loss and can be removed surgically.

But before you schedule your consult, know that this surgery is expensive and can leave significant scarring from the elbow to the armpit. In addition, all surgeries carry risk and this one is no exception.

So if you just have flabby arms due to a lack of exercise, start working those arms. Get in the gym. It is safer and cheaper. If aging is the culprit, embrace it! Most of us have the bat wings at a certain point in life! The question is can we accept the changes of aging without feeling the pressure to always turn back the clock?

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