A few years ago, Connecticut’s Attorney General and US Senate candidate, Richard Blumenthal, was caught lying about his service in Viet Nam. According to reports, this wasn’t the first time he misspoke and allowed the myth of his wartime service to be spread unchecked. Once caught, Blumenthal back peddled, never labeled what he did a…

Is your wife nagging you? Take this as a good sign. It might mean she is still invested in the marriage and not ready to walk away. Maybe you’ve heard about the Walk-away Wife Syndrome. It’s a phrase that has been coined to describe women who will file for divorce . Of the one million…

Terrance, age 40, has quit multiple jobs because of boredom. At home, he has several projects going at once, has trouble concentrating and rarely finishes one thing before moving on to the next. His wife is frustrated because she knows he is smart, but seems to have trouble concentrating. Recently, Terrance was diagnosed with adult…

If I asked you today, how you feel about your mom, would you be conflicted? Does that question raise anxiety in you, or make you feel upset, or do you just want to avoid the answer? The powerful mother-daughter bond is a hotbed for all kinds of emotions. And it doesn’t much matter what age…

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