Are you one of many who have said, “What’s the harm in buying lottery tickets?” Have you made a few wagers on Monday night football? Did you help plan Casino night at your kids’ school? Are you constantly hoping you’ll win the lottery in order to end all your financial problems?

If so, are you  gambling?

Yes, according to Rex Rogers and his book, Seducing America: Is Gambling a Good Bet? You may or may not agree but Rogers says

Rogers says gambling is a problem for a Christian for these reasons:

* Not justified in the Bible

* A dependence on luck and chance rather than God’s sovereignty

* A violation of our stewardship

* An undermining of our work ethic

* The result of covetousness

*  A form of theft

*  Potentially addictive

* Often associated with social and personal vices

Gambling usually begins as a harmless flirtation, but becomes a problem for many people. In fact, it has become an acceptable and mainstream addiction in American culture. The church has been strangely silent on this issue.

Gambling addiction has psychological and spiritual components similar to physical addiction and can take hold of a person’s life. We know that pathological gambling often begins in late adolescence for men and later in life for women. At first, it may be viewed as entertainment. Over time, a preoccupation with the action, excitement and winning develops. The addiction takes hold and all resources are used to get money to support the habit. Some people ravage their savings, destroy relationships and become preoccupied with gambling activities Others engage in illegal activities to keep a steady supply of cash and wind up with significant legal, relationship and moral problems.

A gambling addiction is a serious and often difficult to stop. Left untreated, a person’s life can spin seriously out of control. Compulsive gamblers lie, deny the seriousness of their problems, and become irritable when trying to quit. Like other addictions, gambling fills an empty place, covers depression, anxiety, guilt or helplessness, and allows someone to escape immediate problems.

Talk to anyone who lives with a compulsive gambler and he/she will tell you about the destructive forces at work with this type of addiction. It’s not a coincidence that the state of Ohio prints warnings on their lottery tickets that say, “Compulsive gambling can be treated.”  If you have a gambling addiction, get help.



Do you agree or disagree? My Facebook peeps are weighing in but you can also comment here. 

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